SECTION 1: The name of the organization shall be the “CAROUSEL DANCE CLUB.”
SECTION 2: The object and purpose of the organization shall be to conduct social dinner dances for the entertainment of the members.
SECTION 3: The club shall be operated on a non-profit basis. The Board of Directors shall determine the amount of funds to carry over each year to ensure the viability of the club.
SECTION 1: The business of the club shall be managed by the Board of Directors except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws.
SECTION 2: The Board of Directors shall consist of eight member couples. The Officers shall be President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Roster, and four Dance Chair couples. See Article IV, Officers’ Duties.
SECTION 3: The Board of Directors shall serve a minimum of two years. The couples who are President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Roster, and the Dance Chair couples may serve more than one year in the same office.
SECTION 4: The Board of Directors shall hold a meeting in the first quarter of each year to elect the President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Roster and approve the four Dance Chair couples, all of whom will comprise the Board of Directors for the following year. In the month of January, the outgoing Officers will meet with the new Directors for the purpose of apprising the new Board of Directors of old business and to make recommendations for the new dinner-dance season.
SECTION 5: Other meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President, by a majority of the Board of Directors, or by petition of ten member couples.
SECTION 6: Notice of all meetings shall be given to each member of the Board of Directors at least five days prior to the meeting. Five Directors shall constitute a quorum at all meetings.
SECTION 1: A vacancy in any office of the Board of Directors shall occur by failure to act, by written resignation, or other disability of an Officer couple when accepted by the Board of Directors. A vacancy in office shall be filled by the majority vote of the Board of Directors at its first meeting after the vacancy occurs.
SECTION 2: A majority of the Board of Directors may remove a Director/Officer couple.
SECTION 1: The Carousel Dance Club Officers’ duties are as follows:
The President shall preside over Board of Directors meetings, make announcements and introduce guests at dances, assist Officers as needed, and contact the membership as needed.
The Treasurer shall receive all membership dues and guest fees, handle all monies, issue all checks to pay bills, etc., and prepare financial reports for the Board of Directors.
The Secretary shall coordinate the membership drive which includes preparing membership invitations, sending invitations to present and former members, previous guests and potential new members, sending membership information to the Membership Roster, then preparing, publishing and distributing the annual Membership Directory and Bylaws. The Secretary shall prepare and distribute minutes of Board of Directors meetings.
The Membership Roster shall maintain the Membership Roster, prepare mailing labels for the membership drive, and assist the Officers with membership email communication.
The Dance Chairs shall confirm the dinner-dance location, decorations, and the band with previous Dance Chairs, obtain the dance budget from the Board of Directors, ensure that the dance floor space is at least 900 sq. feet and that this requirement is stated in the dance contract. (This size will be reviewed annually based on the number of members and/or to be adjusted by the Dance Chairs, as needed.) The Dance Chairs shall discuss the theme of the dance, band, attire, and costs at Board of Directors meetings, send dance invitations to the membership at least 30 days prior to the dance date, and arrange with the Treasurer to pay all bills.
SECTION 2: Duties of other positions are as follows:
The Name Tents shall prepare name tents for each dance.
The Web Master shall maintain the Carousel Dance Club web site.
SECTION 1: Membership shall consist of no more than 80 couples. Single memberships may be approved each year at the discretion of that year’s Board of Directors.
SECTION 2: The Board of Directors shall approve all new members.
SECTION 3: Membership dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors from year to year. Membership dues shall be payable in one lump sum each year on a date determined by the Board of Directors. Any member couple or single member who does not pay their dues by the date specified shall be dropped from the membership rolls of the club. Resigning members shall not be entitled to a refund of dues. Should a couple or single member have to miss a dance, no refund will be given nor can they send someone in their place.
SECTION 4: Guest fees shall be determined by the Board of Directors from year to year.
SECTION 5: A guest couple who attends the Spring Dance, then chooses to become members and pay their membership dues by June 1, shall receive credit equal to the guest fee paid for the Spring Dance.
SECTION 6: All Board of Directors and Dance Chair couples shall receive a $100 discount on their annual dues.
SECTION 1: During each fiscal year not less than four dinner dances shall be held for the entertainment of the general membership.
SECTION 2: Outgoing Dance Chair couples, with assistance from the Board of Directors, shall obtain successors for their seasonal dance and secure a site and a band for the following year taking into consideration all religious holidays to avoid scheduling conflicts. These actions will be approved by the Board of Directors at the Fall meeting.
SECTION 3: Members shall be encouraged to invite guest couples to any dance. Any member bringing a guest couple to a dance shall advise the Dance Chair couple and shall pay the Treasurer a guest fee in advance.
SECTION 4: Members and guests at all functions shall be 21 years of age or older.
SECTION 5: Any merger with other dance clubs requires a majority vote of the members responding to the vote.
SECTION 1: Contracts, instruments, or documents shall be signed by the President and in each case attested by the Treasurer. The Dance Chair couple of each dance, upon approval by the Board of Directors, may execute contracts related to their specific dance.
SECTION 2: All notes, checks, drafts, endorsements, and evidences of indebtedness of the club shall be signed by the Treasurer.
SECTION 3: The signature of either party of the Officer couples described above shall be considered the signature of the office.
SECTION 1: The fiscal year of the club shall be from January 1st to December 31st of each calendar year.
SECTION 1: All official acts of the Officers or duly appointed members of committees must be approved by the Board of Directors. No individual Officer or committee member shall be personally liable for official acts so approved and any and all liability shall be borne by the club. No commitment, contract, or any indebtedness shall be entered into by an Officer or member of a committee on behalf of the club which shall be in excess of the assets of the club at that time.
SECTION 1: Amendments to the Bylaws shall be by the Board of Directors.